We provide in-person services!
TCT has worked diligently to get everything in place to offer in-person services to families. We have and will be continuing to follow the guidelines set out by the Ontario Ministry of Health and our regulatory body (CASLPO).
Please note that our TELEPRACTICE sessions will continue to be offered as the preferred mode of therapy delivery when possible.
Things will be running a little differently for in-person sessions. Here’s what you need to know:
The Setting
When possible, completing sessions outdoors (e.g., backyard, park)
Limiting number of caregivers in a session (one adult per child)
Scheduling Sessions
Prior to your appointment, we will need you to complete a COVID19 screening questionnaire
Appointments will be staggered to allow our clinicians to disinfect between sessions
There will be a limited amount of sessions provided daily
We will not be bringing toys/games into homes in order to reduce the contact between children. Therefore, we may ask for use of your toys/games during the sessions
We will be providing you with a “speech folder” for worksheets and handouts provided by your clinician that will remain at your house
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Our clinicians will be wearing a clear face shield and a mask with a clear window that shows the mouth area
Hand sanitizing will be implemented prior to any direct client contact
We require all adults that are present during the sessions to wear your own mask
Our clinicians will maintain the recommended 2 meter physical distance when possible
Avoiding physical interaction such as hugs, high-5’s, handshakes, etc.
The health and safety of our clients and clinicians is our top priority.